Food Chemistry and Nutrient Analyses
Inspection of foods in terms of nutritional value, compliance with national and international regulations, control of nutritional labels in terms of relevant laws and regulations can only be achieved by determining the nutritional elements in the product. The information on the food label creates the identity of the food.
It is required that foods be free from microbial and chemical contamination, comply with safety requirements, as well as comply with national and international norms with packaging and labelling rules. After analysing the nutritional parameters of the foodstuffs, the conversion factors and the energy values, the amount in 100 ml (g) or 1 serving / portion are calculated as kcal or joule. Taking into account the nutritional reference values, the percentages of meeting the daily intake are calculated and a sample label form is prepared.
Essential Nutrients;
- Saturated fatty acids
- Unsaturated fatty acids (Mono and Poly)
- Trans fatty acids
- Omega fatty acids
- Sugar
- Dietary Fibre
- Polyols
Salt (as Na)